African Lion: King of The Jungle

African Lion

African Lion also Known as king of the jungle, one of the most popular types of mammals. They live together with family in group which called prides. These fearless prides protect and patrol about 260 square kilometers of areas. Female lions are considered as main hunters of the lot. Roars of African Lions can be heard from the distance of upto five miles.

African Lions go by the scientific name ‘Pantheara Leo’. Lifespan of these fearless species is of 15 years, however if they are in the suitable weather there lifespan goes upto 30 years. These lions are loved for their beautiful wavy mane, which enables animal enthusiasts to recognize male lions.

African Lion

Personality of this beautiful jungle king represents power and strength. In many countries have symbols of these lions for the flag and other privileged things.

Habitat: African Lions are found in the areas such as grasslands, woodlands, Savannas

Distribution: Most parts of Africa and few parts of India.

Diet: Carnivore, Zebra, Giraffe, buffalo, rhinos, wild hogs and many other wild animals.

African Lion Facts

Take your family to one of the most popular place in Bangkok, the Khao Kheow Open Zoo and experience the wilderness of journey to the jungle. This is the best zoo n Bangkok to find species of African Lions.

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