Khao Kheow Open Zoo is thrilled to present a new addition in its family. They have very recently adopted a 10 month old male and a 5 month old female white lion cub. These cubs have arrived to join the zoo’s kin, all the way from Africa.
For centuries white lions have been exclusively spotted in Africa. The country regards them as the most sacred animal. In fact, several African mythologies have mentioned the white lions as the children of the Sun and messengers of God.
Their natural white color and white mane makes them far more majestic and an angelic beauty. Over several decades in the past, these lions have faced brutal hunting and capturing due to their rarity and several misconceptions regarding their race. White lions are not a case of abnormality or albinos; instead it is a result of a certain gene that is passed on to the offspring.
Today the white lions exist only in protected sanctuaries. The last white lion to be spotted in the wild was in 1994. They have been declared as one the most endangered species. Several organizations around the globe such as the ‘global white lion protection trust’ assure their safety and preserving. We are also proud to be able to nurture and adopt such a unique marvel of nature and excited to share it with you.