This tender bear named Vali at the Budapest Zoo in Hungary stunned spectators when it saved a dark hooded crow from sinking.
The Youtube video, updated by client Aleksander Medves, demonstrates a bear examining a crow on June 19 (it was put on Youtube a couple of days after the fact). The crow was not able to escape a pool in the bear’s walled in area, and after a couple of strained minutes, the bear methodologies, hauls the crow out and places it securely on the ground.
The crow is obviously paralyzed — no doubt, they anticipated that the crow will be the bear’s supper. The bear simply moseys off and consumes what has all the earmarks of being a fruit rather than his feathered companion.
As per the zoo’s website, Vali the bear was most likely simply inquisitive and didn’t aim to spare the crow’s life. Either that or she’s a veggie love.