Happy earth day to all the humans, animals, birds, insects and every other creature to whom this planet is home!
Today, April 22th is the International Earth Day, a day to remind each one of us how the brunt of unsustainable development are being borne by Mother Earth. Earth Day events are held worldwide to express support towards environmental protection.
The name and concept of Earth Day was originated by John McConnell in 1969 at an UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. March 21, being the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere was decided upon to be the earth day.Inspired by the student anti-war movement, United States Senator Gaylord Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media on April 22, 1970. Earth Day 1970 capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center. In 1990 the event went international and around 141 nations and several communities celebrated the Earth Week. Earth Day is since celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.
Tree plantations, organic farming, parades, poster and slogan competitions are just some of the many Earth Day activities that take place all over the world.
New laws, awareness campaigns and initiatives are undertaken by publics and governments are collectively taken in many countries.
On this green occasion let JTTJ also pledges to do our best to keep our mother earth alive as without her we just don’t exist. Happy Earth Day!