Being a tropical country, Thailand has been blessed with a rich and varied wildlife. The country is a host to Asia’s exotic rain forests, tigers, Asian elephants, tapirs, leopards, hornbills and more. Thailand also boasts of a varied habitat right from montane forests, evergreen forests to swamps and mangroves. This allows it to nurture a wide range of wildlife which is majorly protected through several national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. One such park is our very own Khao Kheow Wildlife Conservatory nearby Bangpra.
In spite of the extensive protection the wildlife here faces several challenges like poaching and other commercial hazards. Human colonies living close to protected areas often breach the space of their wild neighbours. The ever existing effects of global warming at times cause the natural habitat to turn hostile. Thus it has become all the more important to educate the people about wildlife protection and its importance. As wildlife is not just a source of income through tourism but leads to the planet’s balanced survival.
On Wednesday, Khao Kheow Open Zoo held a special event on the occasion of National Wildlife Protection Day. Several environment friendly activities were conducted by the zoo. Watching the young citizens take keen interest in wildlife and their safety was the most heart warming site. It is always a relief to see more and more people with growing concern for the larger environment that we all are an equal part of. We thank all those who made this day and our efforts, a success.