Remembering the Gems of Our History

Chakri Memorial Day

The greatest day of Thailand’s history is here. The Chakri Memorial Day, as we all know is a day to commemorate Chakri Dynasty. Chakri Dynasty has given Thailand a series of great noble kings. Thailand was formerly known as Siam. The kingdom of Siam was under the Burmese attack. Burmese troops brutally destroyed the region of Ayutthaya. A brave young man of noble Ayutthaya descent named Thong Duang took the lead. Together with the rebels he overthrew and replaced King Taaksin and regained Siam from the hands of Burmese. He reigned as ‘King Rama I’ from April 6 1782 until 1809 and marked the start of the Chakri dynasty and the nine Rama kings that followed to reign over Thailand until today.

King Rama I had marked Bangkok as the capital, which remains so till today.  The noble kings of Chakri dynasty have successfully reigned over the nation leading to its wholesome and speedy development. They have each contributed to the growth of Thai culture, literature and economy. Some of the kings were themselves poets and hence encouraged literature. They were also sincere devotees of Lord Buddha and implemented his teachings into their ruling techniques.

Chakri Memorial Day

The current king Rama IX, the Great reigned since 1946. Born with the name Bhumibol Adulyadej, his coronation took place on 5 May 1950. on 9 June 2013 his kingship will complete 67 years. On this proud occasion, Journey To The Jungle team wishes all its countrymen ‘Happy Chakri Memorial Day’. We are humbled to be guided and led by such noble men and pay our deep respects to the royal lineage.

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