Posts Tagged ‘4 Ruffed Lemurs at Khao Kheow Zoo’

Madness of Madagascar: Welcoming 4 New Lemurs to the Family

4 new Lemurs in Khao kheow Open Zoo

28th august 2013 as marked one of the happiest event in the calendar of Khao Kheow Open Zoo Everyone at Khao Kheow Open Zoo are ecstatic to welcome a set of 4 Ruffed Lemurs. The JTTJ team along with our honored Director Mr. Suriya Saengpong introduces two male and two female Ruffed Lemurs in the Amazing Madagascar zone of the zoo. Lemurs are native to the vibrant island of Madagascar. The ruffed lemur is the largest of this species. It is easily recognized by its black and white or black and brown Read more [...]