Posts Tagged ‘Facts of Banteng’

Banteng – The Mighty Cow


Jungles are getting demolished and natural treasures are affected massively for multiple reasons. Khao Kheow Open Zoo has been studying this situation and is trying their best to conserve endangered species by providing them suitable habitats. Thailand has many magnificent bird and animals from across the globe and this is the best chance for visitors to see best of them. Banteng is one of the endangered animals and its population is getting reduced day by day. Journey to the jungle’s animal conservation Read more [...]

Banteng: The Harmless Beauty


These strong Banteng were domesticated first in Australia and later in many parts of Southeast Asia, they are known as Bali Cattle. These animals are used for working in the farm and for consumption of meat in many Asian regions. Juvenile and female pelage is orange-brown. Banteng have curved slender horns. They are connected with forehead and size of male horns go upto 60-65 cm. In females horns are shorter and curvy. Banteng is part of Bovidae family. These giant Banteng weigh between 650-850 Read more [...]