Posts Tagged ‘Zebra’

Plains Zebra

Plains Zebra

Zebra Facts Plains zebras (Equus Burchelli) are the most widely spread Zebras. They are mammals belonging to Equidae family. They are famously recognized as species from horse family. Zebras have black stripes across their white coated body. These black stripes help zebras to disguise predators. These zebras have threats not only by their predators such as lions, hyenas but also by many human activities. Plains zebras are extremely social animals. As per the IUCN, Plains Zebras are widely populated. Read more [...]



Zebra Plains Zebra or Burchell’s Zebra as the common name, the scientific name Equus Burcheli in the Equidae family with the Perissodactula order. Normal size: Length head/body: 7.2 -8.2 feet (2.2-2.5 m); tail Length: 18.5 – 22 in (47-56cm); height at shoulder upto 43-57 in (110-145 cm) weighing 385-710 lb (175-322 kg). Key features are Deep-bodied, short legged zebra; thick, erect mane; black stripes broader than in other species, especially on rump, and do not always extend onto belly Read more [...]