Their laughter fills our heart with warm, their innocence melts the toughest souls, and their love is unbiased; that is how children bless us with their mere presences. Unfortunately some souls are too tough to be melted. Across the globe the world is infested by cruel minds, people who force children into inhuman laborious conditions, child prostitution, beggary rackets, poverty and malnutrition.
International Children’s Day is not simply a day to celebrate children but to bring about awareness regarding children around the globe that have succumbed to violence in forms of abuse, exploitation and discrimination.
Although different countries celebrate Children’s Day on different dates the International Children’s Day is observed on 1st June since 1950. It was first declared by the World Conference n 1925 and then established universally in 1954On November 20, 1959 the UNICEF adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989.
UNICEF is responsible to meet the six of eight goals that apply to the needs of children so that they are all entitled to basic rights written in the 1989 international human rights treaty. It delivers vaccines, works with policymakers for good health care and education and works exclusively to help children and protect their rights.
Several local and international NGOs take great measures and organize corrective and reformative events on this day to spread the awareness against child abuse. Children are treated to fun filled day and tasty delicacies, fun games and educative workshops or the call of the day. Given the innocence of a child, he/she is more prone to like nature and love animals than adults who are deeply engrossed in to day to day hassles. Animals are also just like children innocent and loving at heart and jovial always.
Hence what could be a better plan than to bring your little ones to Khao Kheow Open Zoo and let them enjoy with children of Mother Nature. Team JTTJ wishes a Blessed and Happy International Children’s Day to all the young minds and wish them a bright future.