These massive mammals are one of fortunate ones of the five categories of rhinos that still exist. White Rhinoceros goes by the scientific name ‘Ceratotherium Simum’ and even sometimes as Square-lipped rhinoceros. They are may seem gray but the difference is the shape of their lips. In this case, black rhinos have pointed upper lip as compared to others.
White rhino are humongous mammals about 11–13.6 feet long and their tail is about 45-70 cm. They weigh around 1500–3600 kg. They have two horns and these horns have great demand in the places like China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong for medical purposes. Rhinos have very sensitive hearing and smelling senses. Statics by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) shows white rhinos are endangered mammals.
Distribution: Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, and many other part of Africa.
Habitat: Plain Grasslands and savannahs.
Diet: White rhinos herbivorous mammal. The major part of their diet is accumulated by strolling around the trees, bushes, and fruits.
The most exciting part of the journey to the jungle is the heart-wrenching experience of being into the wild. Birds, animals and natural surrounding rejuvenate senses and make your visit worthwhile. So come visit Khao Kheow Open Zoo – the best zoo in Bangkok and memorable time with your family and friends. This is your chance to see the massive white rhinos in their most comfortable zone.